Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Love is never for me

I have loved deeply,
smiled a thousands smiles,
Weeped a thousands drops,
Spoiled uncountable times,
Cared a million times,
Beaten ooh just once,
The pain was not the punch
But the thought of hug and punch 
Hug and punch from the same hand
That same hand caressed me,now it punches me

Candles on the floor,what a dinner
Sweating in the kitchen,what a meal
Wine red red wine
Love,sweet sweet love
Mess,mess,cry cry cry
Broken trust,oh yes I ,messed
Beg beg beg,make up make up make up
Try try try oh dear Lord

Give me some love,more and more
Dry up my tears,oh that happens no more
He dry no drop from you,cry out a river
Yes!that's up to to u second choice
Melt your own sorrow,wash your own fear
Clean your own path
Assimilate me never,couse me no grief no anguish
Redeem me if you wish.
For I know love is never ment for me,but for us
Love me enough for both of my light and my dar kside